How do you engage the congregation each week in a way that seems fresh and encourages them to worship? Do you struggle finding new ways to connect? Do you struggle with stage presence? Join Worship…
Posts Taggedcalvary chapel
005: Avoiding “Burnout”
How do you avoid “burnout” in ministry? Life gets so busy and it never seems to stop! There will always be the next thing. Are you doing your part to avoid burnout? Worship Leaders Matt…
004: Deep South Worship Conference Q&A
We had an amazing worship conference this past January and we wanted to share our Q&A session with you! To access the conference teachings, go to and click on the “Worship” tab. Worship Leader…
003: Christmas Worship
It’s the most… wonderful time of the year! Christmas is upon us and worship leaders Matt Houston and Alli Taylor, along with Bryce Castille, have some fun thoughts to share. Cozy up to an episode…
002: Sunday Morning Preparation
How do you prep for a Sunday morning? Join worship leaders Matt Houston and Alli Taylor, along with Bryce Castille, from Calvary Chapel Stone Mountain to hear what their weekly preparation looks like. What does…
001: Who & Why
Welcome to our very first episode of the Sound Worship Podcast! Today, we discuss who we are as your hosts (Matt Houston, Alli Taylor, and Bryce Castille), as well as why we do what we…